Gladys Mok was in the midst of obtaining her Masters degree at London’s University of Western Ontario when she heard the call of God into ministry. After graduating from Western, she went to Tyndale Seminary to become a missionary. God took her overseas to witness the devastation that human trafficking had caused for young women in Asia. God called her to help those who are in need, wherever these women may be. After many years spent serving and developing ministries with sex workers in Toronto, Gladys is currently working with Fight4Freedom, an organization which she helped co-create in the late 2010s to administer spiritual help to these women in the GTA area. The MGCCN is very honored to have Gladys as our partner in ministry in this area of service.
Lewis and Felain both hail from Hong Kong. After graduating from Tyndale Seminary, their desire was to go abroad to serve the mass University students from China. God called them to Germany in 2009. Today they are based in Gottenburge, Germany with the Canadian Baptist Ministries, tasked with sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the university students who reside there. They have a teenaged son named Caleb, and come home every three years to visit us as a friend and ministry partner.